Who am I writing this for? I tend to write for an audience if I'm using my blog rather my journal, duh. Well I intended for this to be for myself, but words don't flow as well when I'm typing them into a public blog; I get to distracted by the little Red lines that point out my poor spelling. Well anyway here just a summation of the past few months (for you to read and me to think about).
It was difficult to return back to my home campus after a Year in California, but I had some good people to help me.
I started attending a weekly mediation group in October, I have yet to begin a regular sitting practice. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and I'm glad to have planted the seed. Since then I've discovered a few new things about myself.
One step closer to finishing my Biology degree. I'm very glad to have Switched into Ecology, it has inspired some of my newest art which makes me even more glad.
One step closer to finishing my Art degree. I've decided to make my concentration in printing and I have the blisters to prove it.
On November 14th I turned 22, it was a very nice day. I went to Montauk, it was very windy and rainy and I loved it.
November 19th I had my first show open up, I'm displaying 11 pieces of my handmade paper from California. I had trouble setting up my work, it was an embarrassing and educational experience. The show will be up through February.
December 11th was the last day of classes, I finished my last final on the 17th and then took a very long shower. For Christmas my family went to Radio City and my parents bought me frogs and a new laptop monitor.
I started a large painting of a 1960's style American Pin-up with a pigeon face.
I celebrated the end of 2009 in Boston with my friends, I came back last night. When I got home I was sad and I feel sad & anxious right now. I have not made an Official New Year's resolution; I make little resolutions all the time so I don't think its important to make some new big over top rule for myself to try and follow.
I'm leaving for California this Friday with my boyfriend.
A few Pros & Cons
+I found a nice spot to read on campus
+I have created a new path for myself
+New friendly faces
- Increased feelings of guilt
- Living at home
+I received all A's this semester
+Opened up A Savings account
- Increasingly unhappy with my body
- There are many projects I cant seem to get started on
+I found many new projects I'd like to do
Well that seems like enough for a few months or till next week?