Well! the spring semester has started and things are rolling along.. Its only been two weeks, but it hardly feels like the Semester has only just started. I'm really enjoying my art history courses (I haven't taken any until now).. I'm doing Neolithic, Early Renaissance and Enlightenment all at once. I was a little concerned about not taking any studio classes this semester, I thought that if left to my own devices I might get a little lazy, but I've been having fun with some line drawings!
..lets step back a moment. Before the semester started I was in SF for a few days and a homeless man asked me for a dollar... I said "No, I'm sorry." and he said "I'm sorry I don't shop at queers-r-us and don't suck dick fag." it sucked, but it made me realize that there are too many homeless/druggies in SF for me.
I hate cell biology and intro level labs.
BEARDS! I decided to grow a beard for a little while, you can track weekly growth in my v-logs at http://www.youtube.com/flapscallion